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Movie projection and education

Last night I went to a movie projection in one of the parks in Bucharest. The movie was nice, fun.
What was not cool was the attitude of the people around me. Some were smoking, some were eating roasted sun-flower seed and were throwing the shells on the ground. Yes, we were outside but people, you can show some respect to the people you are sitting next to and to the earth and the people that clean after you leave…
It’s about education, it’s about respect to yourself and to the others, it’s about caring.
Can we just please care? Just a little!

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2 Comentarii

  • Reply Rahela Petrescu 17 august 2012 at 4:13 pm

    M-am enervat cumplit aseara. Am rugat pe cei care fumau sa inceteze. sa mearga in alta parte sa fumeze nu in nasul nostru. O persoana m-a ascultat restul…continua sa fumeze ostentativ. In spatele meu in jur de 7 persoane rontaiau seminte si scuipau cojile pe jos…
    Ma gandeam ca filmul acela romanesc prezenta uratul din romania si comportamentul oribil si nimeni nu invata nimic…vedeau doar amuzament, nu si mesaj. si asta e trist. ca nici macar nu mai gandesc…

  • Reply Liliana Negoi 17 august 2012 at 3:48 pm

    we all can – the problem is that of willing to do so. uneori am impresia ca avem nevoie sa fim scuturati bine de tot ca sa ne trezim la realitate…

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