Fumega inima inserarii cu scantei de viata ce alearga
Lasand urme de carbune pe fata lumii.
Umbrele saruta umerii goi ai noptii
Soptind vorbe numai de ei intelese.
Undeva departe se aude luna cum isi plange
Iubitul demult pierdut in lumina.
Stele ii cad din ochi-i stersi
Si se sparg in mii de multe alte stele
Ce-au plecat in cautare negresit s-aduca stele-n ochii lunii.
And a little translation for my non-Romanian friends:
The crepuscule’s heart fumes away dancing sparks of life
To leave charcoal marks on the face of the world.
Shadows kiss the nude shoulders of the night
Whispering words only by them known.
Somewhere far away, the moon I can hear, cries
For its long lost-in-the-light lover.
Stars fall from its pale eyes
Breaking into thousands many other stars
Which on a mission leave by all means to bring stars back into the moon’s eyes.
2 Comentarii
Esti generoasa, Liliana. Multumesc 🙂
superb 🙂